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Setting up Testcases

Setting up Testcases builds up on getting started tutorial please read it before proceeding.

In this tutorial we will see the different ways in which we can create testcases and run testcases in out testing project.


Testcases are the heart of apitester. They define the steps to be executed in a particular order to perform API testing. Each step in a testcase represents an action, verification, or logging operation.

A typical testcase consists of multiple steps, where each step has an associated action or verification. The testcases are created using the apitester.createTestCase() method, and then various steps are added to the testcase using method chaining.

Creating Testcases

We can create and run testcases in different methods.

  1. apitester.createTestCase function to write testcase through code.
  2. apitester.createTestCaseFromJsonFile function to build testcase from json file.
  3. apitester.getJsonTestCasesFromFolder function to get all json testcases from a folder.
  4. apitester.testJsonTestCasesWith one function which gets all json testcases from a folder and runs using test runner such as Jest.

Testcase file should end with .test.js / ts / json, for example verify-todo.test.js, or when it is a json-testcases verify-todo.test.json.


It is suggested to use method 4. apitester.testJsonTestCasesWith, when you are starting up a new project with json testcases. Yes you can mix and match these methods as per you need.

Methods 1: apitester.createTestCase

Write testcase through code.

You can create a js or ts file, define testcase and add steps to it using method chaining. Here's an example of a simple testcase:

const { apitester } = require('@9paradox/apitester');

const testcase = apitester.createTestCase({
  title: 'Verify todos endpoint returns status 200',

  .pickAndVerify({ query: 'status', expected: 200 })
const { apitester } = require('@9paradox/apitester');

const testcase = apitester.createTestCase({
  title: 'Verify todos endpoint returns status 200',

  .pickAndVerify({ query: 'status', expected: 200 })
  .then((testResult) => {
    console.log('Testcase success:', testResult.success);
    if (!testResult.success) {
      console.log('Testcase failed:', testResult.error);
      console.log('Testcase steps:', testResult.steps);
  .catch((err) => console.error(err));
const { apitester } = require('@9paradox/apitester');

describe('Todos endpoint', () => {
    it('should return 200 status', async () => {
        const testcase = apitester.createTestCase({
        title: 'Verify todos endpoint returns status 200',

        const testResult = await testcase
        .pickAndVerify({ query: 'status', expected: 200 })

        if (!testResult.success) {
            console.log(testResult.error?.title + '\nError: ' + testResult.error?.message);


Method 2: apitester.createTestCaseFromJsonFile

Creating Testcase from JSON File

You can also create a testcase from a JSON file using the apitester.createTestCaseFromJsonFile() method.

This is useful when you want to store testcases in separate files for better organization.

First create a JSON file with the testcase steps:

  "title": "Verify todos endpoint returns status 200",
  "steps": [
      "action": "get",
      "inputData": ""
      "action": "pickAndVerify",
      "inputData": {
        "query": "status",
        "expected": 200

Load the testcase from the JSON file:

const { apitester } = require('@9paradox/apitester');

const testcase = apitester.createTestCaseFromJsonFile('./__test__/my_test_case.test.json');

const { apitester } = require('@9paradox/apitester');

const testcase = apitester.createTestCaseFromJsonFile('./__test__/my_test_case.test.json');

  .then((testResult) => {
    console.log('Testcase success:', testResult.success);
    if (!testResult.success) {
      console.log('Testcase failed:', testResult.error);
      console.log('Testcase steps:', testResult.steps);
  .catch((err) => console.error(err));
const { apitester } = require('@9paradox/apitester');

describe('Todos endpoint', () => {
   it('should return 200 status', async () => {
       const testcase = apitester.createTestCaseFromJsonFile('./__test__/my_test_case.test.json');
       const testResult = await testcase.test();
       if (!testResult.success) {
           console.log(testResult.error?.title + '\nError: ' + testResult.error?.message);

Method 3: apitester.getJsonTestCasesFromFolder

Gets all json testcases from a folder.

This is a manual method which is useful when you wan to loop through each json testcase from a specified folder and run them manually.


// folder structure with json testcase
//  __test__/
//    -- test-my-json-testcases.test.js
//    -- my-json-testcases/
//        -- my-testcase.test.json
//        -- other_scenario.test.json

const { apitester } = require('@9paradox/apitester');

const testCases = apitester.getJsonTestCasesFromFolder(

const multiTestCaseResult = await apitester.runTestCases(testCases);

if (!multiTestCaseResult.success) {
    console.log('Testcases failed: ' + multiTestCaseResult.failedTestCases);
else {
   console.log('Testcases were successful');

// folder structure with json testcase
//  __test__/
//    -- test-my-json-testcases.test.js
//    -- my-json-testcases/
//        -- my-testcase.test.json
//        -- other_scenario.test.json

const { apitester } = require('@9paradox/apitester');

describe('Todos endpoint', () => {
  it('should run json test-case files from folder', async () => {
    const testCases = apitester.getJsonTestCasesFromFolder(

    const multiTestCaseResult = await apitester.runTestCases(testCases);

    if (!multiTestCaseResult.success) {
      console.log('Testcases failed: ' + multiTestCaseResult.failedTestCases);


Method 4: apitester.testJsonTestCasesWith

Easiest method to get all json testcases and run them using test runner such such as Jest.

First thing is to add the start file for json folder you want to run test for.


// folder structure with json testcase
//  __test__/
//    -- test-my-json-testcases.test.js
//    -- all-json-testcases/
//        -- scenario-1.test.json
//        -- scenario-2.test.json
//        -- scenario-3.test.json
//        -- ...
//        -- other_scenario.test.json

const { apitester } = require('@9paradox/apitester');

apitester.testJsonTestCasesWith('./__test__/all-json-testcases', 'jest');

Just this one code line will find all the testcases which ends with .test.json files and run them using Jest.

apitester has inbuilt support for Jest.

Running Testcases

To run the testcase it is suggested to use some test runners such as jest or xv.

npm test
node __test__/folder-path-to/your-testcase.test.js